Business Strategy - Earned Income - Social Impact


Photo of the backs of 4 people, linking arms behind their back. They are wearing pink, orange, and purple jackets.


Watson Consulting Group is a woman-led, LGBTQI+-led, anti-racist organization that is committed to achieving social impact by supporting organizations in their pursuit of uplifting vulnerable communities. We provide pragmatic consulting services by working collaboratively with agencies and leaders to give them the tools necessary to achieve their goals.



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Watson Consulting Group offers mission-driven consulting services in support of government, philanthropy, and nonprofit organizations through pursuing complex organizational change, leadership initiatives, and systems change work aimed at uplifting vulnerable communities.



Photo of the head and shoulders of a person holding up a sign that says "More Equality More Love"


Equity and inclusion are core to our work. Our projects focus on supporting organizations dedicated to uplifting marginalized communities, valuing and empowering the voices of those they serve.

Photo of two children sitting at a table. One child is using a pen to write on a piece of paper.


We honor the trust our clients put in us and hold ourselves to the highest standards of personal and professional integrity. We value honest, clear communication based in compassion.

Photo looking down at at two children sitting around seven wooden blocks. An adult's hand is reaching out to touch one of the blocks.


Collaboration is central to all work in the nonprofit sector. We believe that everyone has valuable knowledge based on their experiences, that collaboration makes us stronger, and that social impact requires the cooperation of many dedicated partners.


Lisa Watson began her career in nonprofit management because she had a desire to help alleviate poverty and violence and uplift the most vulnerable populations. After over 20 years as a leader, growing nonprofit organizations, leading motivated staff members, working with boards of directors, and overseeing capital campaigns, Lisa began to see leadership differently. Her desire to transfer her knowledge to other leaders and agencies and support the nonprofit sector as a whole inspired her to found Watson Consulting Group. While working in direct service agencies, Lisa gained first-hand understanding that daily operations are focused on the crisis at hand, leaving little staff time to dedicate to strategic thinking and planning activities crucial to an agency’s growth and impact. As a consultant, Lisa provides agencies with the support they need to strategically develop in ways that maximize their impact on the communities they serve.

Over time, WCG has grown into a firm with an impressive team of associates who reflect an array of professional talents and skills. WCG’s areas of work have included the homeless services sector with agencies that serve women, child welfare-involved families and youth, transition age youth, or American Indian Alaskan Native communities; mental healthcare; domestic violence; the environment; and other issues of poverty alleviation and social justice. With a focus on equity, integrity, and collaboration, WCG is proud to provide a variety of consulting services to support the nonprofit, governmental, and philanthropic agencies who serve Los Angeles.


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